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Integrating increasing amount of renewable energy into the generation mix has become paramount to the electric power industry. We are expert in creating plans that describe how renewable energy—especially solar and wind—can meet demand in both the short- and long-term. We have partnered with utilities and other consultants by combining simple, clear communication with our expertise in electric generation.

Solari Communication specializes in assisting utilities with the creation of their integrated resource plans (IRPs) and integrated grid plans (IGPs) through a coordinated resource, distribution, and grid planning process that incorporates increasing amounts of renewable generation. We work closely with utility staff, management, marketing, and executives to create meaningful, actionable plans that meet regulatory requirements and generation needs, and that cogently communicate results to all stakeholders.

We even researched and wrote about the ongoing transformation in the development of integrated resource plans (IRPs).

   Read the Solari blog: Toward Humanity
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